2014 – 20
Research supervision
- Melbourne University and Austin hospital medical student – Charcot arthropathy and autonomic dysreflexia study
- Austin hospital RMO – Case report and review of literature, peri-neural metastasis from prostate cancer
- Austin hospital registrar – modified Pfirrmann validation of 9.4T MRI
2010 – 20
- Clinical Skills, anatomy and bed side teaching to Medical Students, JMOs and Neurosurgery Registrars,
- University of Tasmania, Tasmania
- Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania
- Royal North Shore Hospital, New South Wales
- Monash Medical Centre, Victoria
- Austin Health, Victoria
- Neuroanatomy Workshop, Royal Hobart Hospital, Tas (invited faculty)
- Basic Neurosurgery Skills Workshop, Royal Hobart Hospital, Tas (invited faculty)
- Neuroanatomy Workshop, Royal Hobart Hospital, Tas (invited faculty)
- Basic Neurosurgery Skills Workshop, Royal Hobart Hospital, Tas (invited faculty)
- Suturing Workshop for medical students, University of Tasmania, Tas
- Suturing practice to medical students on ‘Rustica Skills Night’, UTas, Tasmania
- OSCE practice with 5th year medical students, UTas, Tasmania
- OSCE practice and Clinical tutorials to 3rd year medical students, UTas, Tasmania
2004 – 09
- Radiological skills and image interpretation to JMO, medical students and junior radiographers, Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania 2008 Suturing practice to medical students on ‘Rustica Skills Night’, UTas, Tasmania
2004 – 05
- Diagnostic Radiology tutorials, UTas, Christ College, Tasmania
- First Aid to volunteers, St. John Ambulance, Hobart division, Tasmania
2003 – 04
- Radiology to radiography students, SWSAHS – Campbelltown Hospital, New South Wales